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Y Lin Masters Thesis
Lin, Yi Dynamic relationships and technological innovation in hot and cold issue markets. Masters thesis, Concordia University.
The puzzle of hot and cold issue markets has attracted substantial interest in the academic community. The behavior of IPO volume and initial returns over time is well documented respectively see, Ibbotson and Y lin masters thesisRitterRockMcGuinnessLee, Taylor, and Walter and Lowry Few studies, however, investigate the dynamic interrelationship between IPO volume and initial returns. This paper y lin masters thesis a simultaneous equations approach to study the endogenous interrelationship between IPO volume and initial return.
We find that higher IPO volume causes higher initial returns, but not vice versa. Furthermore, lagged IPO volume is significantly negatively related to initial returns. In other words, the underpricing of a new issue is affected by not only the concurrent number of new issues at the mean time but also by the numbers of new issues in prior periods. Another purpose of our study is to test the y lin masters thesis that technological innovation is the main driver behind hot issue markets.
Welch and Hoffmann-Burchardi suggest that the clustering of new issues is caused by IPO volume spikes in industries that have recently experienced technological innovations or favorable productivity shocks. Through analysis of the industry correlation matrix of new issue activity and a fixed-effects model based on industry level data, we find evidence against the technological innovation hypothesis.
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by Year by Department by Author by Document Type. Guidelines FAQ Statistics. pdf - Accepted Version. Abstract The puzzle of hot and cold issue markets has attracted substantial interest in the academic community. All items in Spectrum are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved.
The use of items is governed by Spectrum's terms of access, y lin masters thesis. Download Statistics. Downloads per month over past year. Research related to the current document at the CORE website. Back to top. Dynamic relationships and technological innovation in hot and cold issue markets. pdf - Accepted Version 3MB. Lin, Yi. Concordia University Library, y lin masters thesis.
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