The University of Southern California is a diverse community of scholars, located in the heart of Los Angeles —a dynamic center for technology, health services, media and the arts. USC has more than graduate programs offered by the USC Dornsife College of If there is a legitimate case for a thesis or exegesis to exceed the below word limits, special representation should be made to the Dean, Graduate Research, for prior written approval to submit such a thesis or exegesis. Traditional format. Word length (includes appendices and footnotes; excludes reference list and bibliography) PhD: ~80, Nov 01, · PhD Oral Defense and Dissertation Submission - USC Viterbi | Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The final step in the completion of the Ph.D. is the writing up of the thesis dissertation document and an oral defense exam, which is open to the public. At least 30 days before defending, complete the Disseration Committee blogger.comted Reading Time: 50 secs
Thesis/Dissertation Submission – Graduate School Website
These procedures provide the framework for HDR thesis submission and examination at the university. They should be read in conjunction with the Higher Degrees by Research - Academic Policy, usc phd thesis submission, and the following associated procedures and guidelines:. All research performed conjointly with other persons must be fully acknowledged and include a statement of the candidate's contribution to the conjoint research.
Any editorial assistance in the preparation of the thesis must also be acknowledged. A candidate, with the support of their principal supervisor, may request approval for a variation in the Guidelines where good reason for such a variation exists. Terms and definitions identified below are specific to these procedures and are critical to its effectiveness:.
Candidate means a person admitted to a Higher Degree Research HDR program at the university. Candidature means duration of enrolment in a higher degree by research program. All research and related work towards fulfilment of the requirements for a higher degree by research must be completed during enrolled candidature. Creative work means an original product designed, created or constructed by a candidate during candidature derived from one or more of the creative arts including graphical and new media techniques.
Exegesis means a scholarly, critical commentary on the original creative work in dialogue with, and informing that original work or collection of works, resulting from research undertaken and produced during.
The exegesis also includes explicit reference to the research methodologies employed in the creation of the original creative work.
Higher degree by research HDR means a supervised research program that requires original research in an area. Principal Supervisor means a USC academic staff member who meets the criteria for and has been approved for registration as a USC Principal HDR supervisor, usc phd thesis submission.
Significant research component means a substantial research project undertaken with appropriate research methodology.
Thesis means an original substantial piece of scholarly writing resulting from research undertaken by a candidate and produced during candidature to meet the requirements of the degree. Any concerns regarding quality of the thesis or timeliness of thesis preparation will be recorded in the PPR. b an independent academic review of the thesis prior to submission for external examination. No later than three weeks after receipt of the notice of intention to submit, the principal supervisor submits to the Graduate Research School:.
On submission of examiner nomination to the Dean, Graduate Usc phd thesis submission, the principal supervisor ceases communication with the nominated examiners.
Subsequent communication relating to the examination is undertaken by the Graduate Research School. Normally an academic staff member of this university with appropriate expertise in the research area. Examiners hold a doctoral degree or equivalent research experienceand must be an active researcher in the relevant discipline, as demonstrated by relevant and recent research publications, usc phd thesis submission.
Examiners may not be members of the staff of this university including adjunct appointmentsnor have been a member of staff of this university within the past 5 years. Any persons acknowledged in the thesis as making a contribution to the work may not be appointed as an examiner.
A reserve examiner may be called upon by the Dean, Graduate Research to fulfil the role of examiner in the event that any of the originally nominated examiners are unavailableor should an additional or adjudication examiner be required see Section 7. Invited examiners respond via the form provided. Candidates are not advised of the identity of their examiners until the end of the examination process, and only if the examiner has indicated that their identity may be made available.
Members of the examination panel may not normally consult with one another. An examiner wishing to enter into dialogue with another examiner, should direct any questions to the Dean, Graduate Research via the Graduate Research School. An examiner may not communicate with the candidate or a member of their supervision panel.
Where the candidate has been given permission to submit their thesis in a form outside standard requirements for their HDR, the candidate must comply with the directions of the Dean, Graduate Research regarding the material to be presented for examination.
In making the determination, the Dean, Graduate Usc phd thesis submission may seek written or oral representations from the candidate, the supervisors and may seek information from any other sources. If the candidate has been in receipt of a scholarship, the Graduate Research School advises Financial Services to cease stipend payments in accordance with the relevant scholarship conditions booklet.
c Higher Degree by Research Thesis Examiners — Guidelines. d Higher Degree by Research Thesis Presentation — Guidelines. The thesis be accepted as satisfactory and the candidate awarded the degree, subject to revisions as listed being made by the candidate to the satisfaction of the Chairperson of the examination panel, usc phd thesis submission.
The revised thesis should be subject to re-examination. The thesis does not merit the award of the degree and does not demonstrate sufficient merit to warrant resubmission. The thesis be rejected, and the degree not awarded. The candidate be admitted to the award for an appropriate alternative degree at the master level with revisions as listed being made by the candidate to the satisfaction of the Chairperson of the examination panel.
If no report is received by the due date, the Graduate Research School advises Dean, Graduate Research who makes a determination on how to proceed with the examination. The Graduate Research School communicates the delay to the principal supervisor who in turn advises the candidate.
If it is agreed that the report will be unacceptably delayed, upon direction from the Dean, Graduate Research, the Graduate Research School advises the examiner that their services are no longer required and requests the return of the thesis.
The principal supervisor is responsible for notifying the candidate. Such candidates are required to submit for examination, creative work which is examined in conjunction with an appropriate exhibition or recording of an exhibitionand an exegesis.
In cases where there is to be more than one exhibition, candidates must include a listing of all exhibition dates. This form demonstrates that the principal supervisor and Head of enrolling unit or delegate agree that the creative work is ready for exhibition. Where the candidate has been given permission to submit their thesis in a form other than a printed volume, the candidate must comply with the directions of the Dean, Graduate Research regarding the material to be presented for examination.
Applications for restricted access should be made in writing to the Dean, Graduate Research prior to the conclusion of usc phd thesis submission examination process. The revised thesis must be submitted within three months of advice of the examination outcome. usc phd thesis submission version of the revised thesis or exegesis except where grant funding restrictions prohibit electronic submission of the thesis.
The revised thesis must be submitted to the Graduate Research School within 6 months of advice of the examination outcome. International Office consults with the Department of Home Affairs and the candidate, the outcome being a decision on whether the candidate is permitted to remain in the country for the necessary additional period.
pdf version of the thesis or exegesis except where grant funding restrictions prohibit electronic submission of the thesis. The invitation will be issued 8 weeks prior to the due date of the thesis submission. If the principal supervisor has not nominated new examiners within one month of the thesis submission due date, the Dean, Graduate Research will identify new examiners. USC laptop and associated equipment to be returned to IT Services. The Secretary, Academic Board administers the process for conferral of the usc phd thesis submission. When the Academic Board has approved the recommendations on the conferral of awards from the Dean, Graduate Research the Secretary, Academic Board advises the Graduate Research School and Student Services and Engagement of this decision, usc phd thesis submission.
Higher Degrees usc phd thesis submission Research Thesis Submission and Examination - Procedures. In this section. Locations Key statistics Vice-Chancellor and President's welcome Strategic Plan Strategy, quality and planning Reports Policies and procedures Structure Learning and teaching at USC Diversity and inclusion Sustainable USC Wildlife Honour Roll USC News Acknowledgement of Traditional Custodians.
Purpose of procedures These procedures provide the framework for HDR thesis submission and examination at the university. They should be read in conjunction with the Higher Degrees by Research - Academic Policy, and the following associated procedures and guidelines: Higher Degree by Research Candidature — Usc phd thesis submission Higher Degree by Research Supervision — Procedures Higher Degree by Research Admission and Enrolment — Guidelines Higher Degree by Research Candidature Progression — Guidelines Higher Degree by Research Thesis Presentation — Guidelines Higher Degrees by Research Independent Reviewers — Guidelines Higher Degree by Research Thesis Review — Guidelines Higher Degree by Research Examiners — Guidelines 2.
Thesis preparation 2, usc phd thesis submission. Terms and definitions identified below are specific to these procedures and are critical to its effectiveness: Candidate means a person admitted to a Higher Degree Research HDR program at the usc phd thesis submission. Thesis Review and Feedback 4, usc phd thesis submission. Examiner Nomination 5. No later than three weeks after receipt of the notice of intention to submit, the principal supervisor submits to the Graduate Research School: a the notice of intention to submit form; b the examiner nomination form; and c a brief abstract of the thesis.
An examination panel will consist of: Table 0. The Chairperson does not have an examiner role. External examiners 2 to 3 Examiners hold a doctoral degree or equivalent research experienceusc phd thesis submission, and must be an active researcher in the relevant discipline, as demonstrated by relevant and recent research publications. Reserve examiner s At least 1 Meets the requirements of an external examiner as outlined above. Submission of thesis for examination 6.
Examination 7. b Award with revisions The thesis be accepted as satisfactory usc phd thesis submission the candidate awarded the degree, subject to revisions as listed being made by the candidate to the satisfaction of the Chairperson of the examination panel.
d Non-Award The thesis does not merit the award of the degree and does not demonstrate sufficient merit to warrant resubmission. e [For doctoral examinations only] Non-Award doctoral, award master The candidate be usc phd thesis submission to the award for an appropriate alternative degree at the master level with revisions as listed being made by the candidate to the satisfaction of the Chairperson of the examination panel.
On due date: If no report is received by the due date, the Graduate Research School advises Dean, Graduate Research who makes a determination on how to proceed with the examination.
Upon receipt of advice from the RDC If it is agreed that the report will be unacceptably delayed, upon direction from the Dean, Graduate Research, the Graduate Research School advises the examiner that their services are no longer required and requests the return of the thesis.
Upon receipt of advice from the RDC The Graduate Research School invites the reserve examiner to examine the thesis. Additional requirements for HDR Creative Arts submission and usc phd thesis submission 8.
Submission of a revised thesis for award 9. Submission of revised thesis for re-examination Finalisation of successful candidature Conferral of award Grievances Meets the requirements of an external examiner as outlined above.
USC Rossier Dissertation Submission Workshop: Doctoral Support Center
, time: 12:32Graduate School Website – Graduate School Website

The University of Southern California is a diverse community of scholars, located in the heart of Los Angeles —a dynamic center for technology, health services, media and the arts. USC has more than graduate programs offered by the USC Dornsife College of You will submit your thesis or dissertation through ETD Administrator. Instructions for Submitting. Once you get to the ETD Administrator site, click the box that says "Sign up and get started today!" You will create an account (separate from your USC accounts) and If there is a legitimate case for a thesis or exegesis to exceed the below word limits, special representation should be made to the Dean, Graduate Research, for prior written approval to submit such a thesis or exegesis. Traditional format. Word length (includes appendices and footnotes; excludes reference list and bibliography) PhD: ~80,
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