Essay on Attitude. Attitude is the mental state of individuals, which tends to act or respond or is ready to respond for or against objects, situations, etc. with which their vested feelings or effect, interest, liking, desire and so on are directly or indirectly linked or the course of development the person acquires tendencies to respond to blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins INTRODUCTION A good attitude or positive attitude is the outward manifestation of a mind that dwells primarily on positive matters. It is a mind-set tipped in favour of creative activity rather than boredom, joy over sadness, hope over futility. A positive attitude is that state of mind which can be maintained only through conscious effort Attitude does influence ones behavior. Studies have shown that people behave according to their attitude under certain conditions. Condition like when expecting a favorable outcome, due to personal experience are some of the examples. Attitudes could be changed. Attitudes do impact our behavior, but they are not imposed on stone within us
Essay on Attitude
Attitudes are learned predispositions and represent cluster of beliefs, assessed feelings and behavioural intentions towards aspects of our environment like a person, essay on attitude, object or event. Attitudes are evaluative statements either favourable or unfavourable concerning objects, people or events and are a persistent tendency to feel and behave in a particular way toward some object.
According to G. In effect attitude is used in a generic sense, as to what people perceive, essay on attitude, feel and express their views about a situation, object or other people. Attitude cannot essay on attitude seen, but the behaviour can be seen as an expression of attitude.
Essay 2. Characteristics of Attitude : The attitude is the evaluative statements or judgments concerning objects, people, or events. More precisely attitudes can be defined as a persistent tendency to feel and behave in a particular way toward some object which may include events or individuals as well, essay on attitude.
Essay 3. Components of Attitudes : The three basic components of attitude are cognitive, affective and behavioural part:. Cognitive component of attitude is related to value statement. It consists of belief, ideas, values and other information that an individual may possess or has faith in. Quality of working hard is a value statement or faith that a manager may have.
Example: I do not like Maya because she is not hard working, or I like Mina because she is hard working. It is an expression of feelings about a person, object or a situation, essay on attitude. Example: I do not like Maya because she is not hard working is an affective component, essay on attitude, I therefore would like to disassociate myself with her, is a behavioural component and therefore I would avoid Maya. Development of favourable attitude, and good relationship with Mina is but natural, essay on attitude.
Cognitive and affective components are bases for essay on attitude behaviour. Former two components cannot be seen, only the behaviour component can be seen. Former essay on attitude important because essay on attitude is a base for formation of attitude.
These components are explained in Figure. Essay 4. Formation of Attitude: Direct Experience with the Object:. People develop associations between various objects and the emotional reactions that accompany them. Where person learns something by the observation essay on attitude others helps in attitude development where individual has no direct experience with the object of attitude.
The neighbourhood has a certain structure in terms of having cultural essay on attitude, religious groupings and possibly ethnic differences. The neighbours tolerate condone or deny certain attitudes. The following example might help to illustrate it.
After introducing a particular policy, it is found from an attitude survey, that the workers are not too happy about it. During the subsequent week it is found that the attendance of the employees drops sharply from the previous standard.
Here management may conclude that a negative attitude toward new work rules led to increased absenteeism. An understanding of attitudes is also important because attitudes help the employees to get adjusted to their work. If the management can successfully develop a- positive attitude among the employees, they will be better adjusted to their work.
Essay 5. Functions of Attitude : According to Katz, attitudes serve four important functions from the viewpoint of organizational behaviour. Attitudes often help people to adjust to their essay on attitude environment. Well-treated employees tend to develop a positive attitude towards their job, management and the organization in general while berated and ill-treated organizational members develop a negative attitude.
In other words, attitudes help employees adjust to their environment and form a basis for future behaviour. An attitude may develop because either the attitude or the attitude object is instrumental in helping one to obtain rewards or avoid punishments. Attitudes help people to retain their dignity and self- image. When a young faculty member who is full of fresh ideas and enthusiasm, essay on attitude, joins the organization, the older members might feel somewhat threatened by him.
Attitudes provide individuals with a basis for expressing their values. For example, a manager who values hard and sincere work will be more vocal against an employee who is having a very casual approach towards work.
Attitudes provide standards and frames of reference that allow people to understand and perceive the world around him, essay on attitude. Essay 6. For example, if employees believe that their employer does not look after their welfare, the management should try to change their attitude and help develop a more positive attitude in them, essay on attitude. However, the process of changing the attitude is not always easy. Prior commitment when people feel a commitment towards a particular course of action that has already been agreed upon and thus it becomes difficult for them to change or accept the new ways of functioning.
Insufficient information also acts as a essay on attitude barrier to change attitudes. Sometimes people simply see any reason to change their attitude due to unavailability of adequate information. Sometimes a dramatic change in attitude is possible only by providing relevant and adequate information to the person concerned. Scanty and incomplete information can be a major reason for brewing negative feeling and attitudes. Attitudes can be changed through the use of fear.
People might resort to change their work habit for the fear of fear of unpleasant consequences. However, the degree of the arousal of fear will have to be taken into consideration as well.
Even when he chooses one over the other, he might still feel confused. If someone helps him in pointing out the positive points in favour of the chosen course of essay on attitude, the person might resolve the dilemma, essay on attitude.
Their opinion and recommendation for something often proves to be more important. If for example, they are all praise for a particular policy introduced in the work place, chances are high that an individual will slowly accept that even when he had initial reservations for that. If you want to change the attitude of somebody who belongs to a essay on attitude group, essay on attitude, it is often becomes very effective if you can include him in your own group.
Like in the case of the union leader who are all the time vehemently against any management decision, can be the person who takes active initiative in implementing a new policy when he had participated in that decision making process himself. Essay 7. Types of Attitude : 1. Job Satisfaction:. Job satisfaction is related to general attitude towards the job. A person having a high level of satisfaction will generally hold a positive attitude while dissatisfied people will generally display negative attitude towards life.
When we talk about attitude, we generally speak about job satisfaction because they are inter-related in organizational essay on attitude. Job involvement refers to the degree to which a person identifies himself psychologically with his job, actively participates and considers his perceived performance level important to self-worth. High level of involvement indicates that the individual cares for his job that has an impact on high productivity.
Higher the job satisfaction, lower will be absenteeism and employee turnover. Organizational commitment refers to degree to which an employee identifies himself with the organizational goals and wishes to maintain membership in the organization.
Absenting or resigning from the job versus job satisfaction is a predictor of organizational commitment. The concept has been very popular in the recent times. Organizational commitment depends upon job enrichment factor and degree to which the workers enjoy autonomy and freedom of action while performing. Attitudes are the feelings and beliefs that largely determine how employees will perceive their environment, commit themselves to intended actions and ultimately behave.
Managers of organizational behavior are vitally interested essay on attitude the nature of the attitudes of their employees toward their jobs, toward their careers and toward the organization itself.
Employee attitudes which are important to employers are Job satisfaction, Job Involvement, essay on attitude, Organizational Commitment and Work moods.
Essay 8. Theories of Attitude : a Cognitive dissonance. Tension arises when we are aware of two simultaneously inconsistent cognitions. To reduce the dissonance, we change our attitudes so that they will correspond to our actions. Afterwards, Ss were told the study was on how expectations affect performance. Experimenter asked Ss to tell a new S outside that the experiment was really exciting.
We often experience dissonance when making big decisions, essay on attitude. To reduce the dissonance after making our choice, we upgrade the chosen alternative and downgrade the unchosen option.
Attitude / Components of Attitude / feature of attitude
, time: 4:03words essay on Attitude
words essay on Attitude. What is really the essence of the word attitude? Attitude is the very gist of an individual’s way of thinking; it is an individual’s ideals, his concepts of right and wrong, and all his/her aspirations. In a nutshell, attitude can be defined as the totality of the individual blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Jul 23, · Tips for Essay on Attitude. Changed attitude can make us achieve things that are unreachable by hard word. In this article, we will glance at positive, negative attitude and behaviour and give the necessary information to build your speech or essay for the competition your school or college has organised. This essay, speech will also be helpful for other similar topics like, “Attitude is Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins INTRODUCTION A good attitude or positive attitude is the outward manifestation of a mind that dwells primarily on positive matters. It is a mind-set tipped in favour of creative activity rather than boredom, joy over sadness, hope over futility. A positive attitude is that state of mind which can be maintained only through conscious effort
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